Good Morning, I hope this email finds you all safe and well as a major part of Australia is on fire. These fires are just devasting and my heart goes out to anyone involved. I cannot image the terror that those families are experiencing.
Australia has had another tough 12 months most of us experiencing severe drought conditions. So retail has been tough for a lot of little businesses. I want to thank everyone that has supported my business over the last 12 months, it really means so much to me to be able to do what I love.
It's been a productive 12 months here in the shop with our Farmers Wife Quilt Along. It is so inspiring for me to see the girls take a project like this with both hands and give it their all. Resulting in a beautiful Sampler Style quilt as the finished product. I only finished mine yesterday but am so happy with the end result. What makes it even more special for most of us that were involved in this quilt, is that we are all mostly Farmers Wifes ourselves, and there has been a lot of discussion around the stitching table which has been so good for our own mental health and community spirit to be able to sit around and discuss the issues of the drought and share many laughs together as well.
I wasn't sure that we would hold a stitch along next year but all the ladies said "no way we need a project to keep us getting together" so I have choosen two projects the first one a little different instead of Paper Piecing will be completing a Quilt from the Tilda Sewing by heart book which is needeturn applique and machine pieced together. Not as much work in this quilt. And the second option was Paper Piecing again using Lilabelle Lane's Spring Blessings. This is a gorgeous quilt, I seen it AQM and just feel in love with it. It features the new Happy Campers Range by Tilda which will instore in January. I still have kits available if you would like one.
Next year Fabric Sauce will be hosting Lorena Uriarte from Sydney, the class filled almost immediatley but I do have a waiting list that I can pop you on, if you are interested, please contact me. Lorena makes stunning quilts and we can't wait for us to share her knowledge with us. Lorena has been a quilter since 1999, Lorena is passionate about quilts that are both functional and decorative additions for the home. She is an award winning quilter and pattern designer, who has exhibited and taught in Australia and overseas. Lorena’s love of colour and technical skill can be seen in both her modern and traditionally inspired quilts. She is an experienced teacher who willingly shares her many tricks and tips to make patchwork enjoyable regardless of skill level.
Our End of Bolt Sale starts on Boxing Day, we have some massive savings to be found, fabrics will be between 50-80% off the original price. Some pieces are minimum cuts of 2 units(50cm) but others are only 1 unit depending on what is left on the bolt. The sale ends on January 9th so get in quick because at these prices they won't last long.
Thank you for another wonderful year, so from my home to yours, I wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.

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